Friday, June 18, 2010

I love day's like today, the kind of day's were I feel like I am rockin out being mama to seven! Maybe it's because it's the Friday before Tim's four day weekend or because we have lots of fun stuff planed for the next few days. I love having things to look forward to, always puts me in a good mood! Whatever the reason, today is a good day, a happy day, a just going good day. Andrew is home from his first week of camp. He had a blast and I am super happy to have him back. That kid is such a big help and I didn't even realize it until he left for camp. I guess that saying is true, "you don't know what you've got till it's gone". He's back and just jumped right back into his role of being the best biggest bubba Addison could ask for. That girl just loves him, like really really loves him. And his patience with her is endless and I can see it spilling over to Avery. I can hand the baby off to him and he just grabs him up without a complaint. Glad to have my biggest boy back. I may never let him leave again! Gonna start the week-end off with our first summer trip to the drive in. Gonna pile all the kids in the mini van and see Toy Story 3. Here's to hoping it doesn't rain and the skeeters don't eat us alive! Happy weekend :)